Ovaj tretman istovremeno briše umoran izgled lica, nadoknađuje volumen te dubinski hidrira kožu i vraća joj elastičnost.
Potpuno prirodnim sastojcima dodaje volumen samo tamo gdje je potreban i bez opasnosti od neprirodnih rezultata.
Kožu potiče na prirodno podmlađivanje i posebnom tehnikom ubrizgavanja osigurava pravilnu rapodjelu preparata po cijelom području.
To postiže jer u sebi nema unakrsnih veza koje daju čvrstoću običnom fileru.
U sebi sadrži kombinaciju hijaluronske kiseline visoke i niske molekularne težine, a mehanizam djelovanja mu nije postizanje volumena na jednom mjestu.
On se postepeno širi i integrira u kožu oko mjesta injekcije.
Uz ovaj tretman tvoje crte lica ostaju iste, ali tvoja koža izgleda godinama mlada.
Za ovaj tretman kažu da nije filer, nije mezoterapija, nije biorevitalizacija ali JESTE sve to u jednom.
uspješne priče
Preko 50 pozitivnih recenzija na Google Business

I love my results! The Botox treatments were subtle yet effective—exactly what I wanted. The team made me feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.

The dermal fillers gave me a refreshed, natural look. I’ve never felt better about my appearance, and the staff’s expertise really shows in the results.

The staff was welcoming, and the doctors were highly professional and attentive. They thoroughly explained each step of my treatment, ensuring I felt comfortable and confident. The results exceeded my expectations—natural and subtle, just as I wanted.

After my chemical peel, my skin looks radiant and smooth! The clinic provided excellent care and tailored the treatment to my needs. I highly recommend them!

The laser hair removal treatments have been life-changing! No more constant shaving, and my skin feels so smooth. The clinic’s staff was professional and made the whole experience easy.

dr.sc. Sulfeta Bešić-Joldo dipl. kozmetolog
- Telefon: 061 487 167
- Email: sulfeta@maarlas.ba